Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16

Breakfast: 2 egg omelet
Snack: banana
Lunch: skinless chicken tenderloins, mixed in with 1/3 cup artichoke hearts
snack: I heated a hot in the microwave. I know this was not the best choice, I was feeling hungry and needed something. It was "all Beef" if that makes it any better (ha!)
Dinner: Baked chicken breast w/ a homemade tomato sauce w/ garden veggies.
Lots of water....

6 50m. sprints, 30 squats, 30 push-ups,
Worked on overhead squats: 3,3,3,3,3 (used 15 kg. bar for each one) I am trying to get my form and strength up to par.
I like how the warm-ups trick you into thinking that they are just "warm-ups" ha, they are workouts!!
WOD: and now for the workout...ha
"Karen" 150 wallball shots
I compared my time from 5/5: I did 130 with a 10kg. ball in 10 minutes. (5 months pregnant at the time)
Today: I did 130 w/ the same ball, but my time was 13:38 (I think) ( 7 weeks post pregnancy. huh...) I really need to work my way up again!!
The work out kicked my ass though!!!
So my weight-loss progress:
I gained 46 pounds throughout pregnancy and lost 23 within 2 days (yeh), but then scaled stopped moving. My pre-pregnancy weight was 137 and the day I gave birth I reached 183. The scale stopped on 160. As of this morning I weighed 158. I have a feeling that losing this weight is gonna be tuff!!!! I really thought that I could melt this off. My inspiration is that I have never been this heavy and it disgusts me; I have very little that fits right now and I would really like to hold off on buying anything, until I lose a few pounds. I return to work Oct. 1st and my short term goal is to have lost a 3 more pounds by then. Then maybe I'll buy a few clothing items; I'll have to! I dont' think my principal will be cool with me wearing my lounge pants and a tank each day!!!
I think that I need to focus on my diet most of all in order to achieve this goal. I am thinking that I need to keep closer tract of my carb intake and increase my good fats, maybe adding some avaocado to my day instead if um.. a hotdog( which I know is horribe)...
Wish me luck....

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